Kite Formation

Kite Formation is a cluster of abstract miniature paragliders that create an undulating wave formation. Each laser-cut kite element is adorned with crystals to sparkle like the sun shines in the sky. Available in a gold finish (cover image) or patina finish (second image), you can customize the size and density to span the length of your interior for maximum impact. The elements are suspended on stainless steel cables from a mirror ACM ceiling plate and lit by LED bi-pins. Fly high with this one.
Price Range



Cover Image (Gold Finish): 6100 x 915 x 710mm / 20'-0 x 3'-0 x 2'-4 H • Second Image (Patina Finish): 6100 x 915 x 560mm / 20'-0 x 3'-0 x 1'-10 H


LED bi-pin


Glass & Crystal, Metal

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