Spring 2021

Simple, but not plain…

They say when you reach a certain age you’ve officially “grown-up.” At YGD we eschew that theory. There is always room for new growth, room to push back against the ordinary and find the extraordinary seed within. With our newest collection “Against the Grain” we’re expanding our boundaries to explore new shapes and materials in design. This collection focuses on wood designs that go against the traditions of the material. These offerings in geometric and organic shapes, allow the viewer to see this material in a new way and leave them with a sense of wonder. Using a combination of soft timbers and plywood that are either exposed to showcase the grain of the wood or painted to add an uncanny quality to the shape, each of these pieces is created with Yellow Goat Design’s charismatic show-stopping ethos and signature quality we bring to every design.

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Juniper trees are often the food of young moths and butterflies. It seems their spectacular matured colors have translated onto the surface of this design. Each gently curved plywood element has a splash of digitally printed color encircling an outer shell.

Inspiration for this screen was taken from a childhood game called Skittles that is similar to bowling, as well as sample scraps that inspired the edges and random placements. Made with pine dowels that are painted and cut on an angle, each piece is then mounted to a black substrate.

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